Friday, December 13, 2013

Pinching Pennies

I just want to say that I am not a penny pincher.  As a matter of fact I envy people who can keep their money in their pockets.  I am from the school of my father.  His philosophy is to spend like no tomorrow, that's for a later post.  Anyways I have a new job and a new lease on life.  My previous job I actually worked for my inlaws.  That's for another post as well.  Now I am working from home and making the most money I have every made.  I am really seeing the fruits of all my hard work from the past 7 years. 

So why the post pinching pennies? 

This is about me asking what's owed to my daughter.  I can tell you that daycare is not cheap.  Karate is not cheap.  Paying for a house, bills, and food is not cheap.  Most of us know this.  I just cant understand the people that don't.  When I got my divorce I wanted a quick clean cut.  I got some resistance from my ex.  The main thing she didn't want was to pay child support.  Her excuses was you're making so much more than me!  I am going to school!  Ok Ok  But she was only looking to help herself.  Being the pushover I put in the divorce decree that she was to start paying child support 6 months after she finishes her school.  This was enough time for her to get a job and get on her feet.  My lawyer was telling me that I was being to generous.  I also agreed that she was only to pay $200 per month!  This doesn't even pay for 2 weeks of daycare!!! 

So here I am 7 months after she was to start paying and still no child support.  PINCHING PENNIES?  I don't think she is!  I contemplate should I make a big deal out of it.  Well MY DAUGHTER IS A BIG DEAL.  I just don't know how to push Jezebel without having some push back.  I don't want Angel to see us arguing.  After all I want the best for Angel but I don't want her emotionally scarred from seeing me squeeze her mom for $200 a month.  It really isn't about the  money but the unwillingness of her mom to meet her obligations.  I know I can approach Jezebel without Angel being around but I also know once Jezebel gets squeezed for the money she will be in a foul mood for a long time.  Lets just say at least for the next 13 years.

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