Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Single Forever?

So my blog is The Imperfect Single DAD.  Does this mean I will be single forever.  I really hope this is not the case.  One day I will post just an imperfect DAD without the Single part.  Although I seem to be striking out or not having the best of luck.  When things seem to be just on the verge of getting better then a setback.  Oh well join the crowd right.  You know its so true that decisions can affect you for life.  The reality is that even though you consider your past behind you, present people see it as you now, because your past has just been revealed to them.  Sometimes that past is in your present but you are too blind.  Maybe people have been telling me that my past is still around but I can be sooo hard headed and not see it. 

I have been seeing the Ultimate agent.  She is perfect.  She has so much going for her.  She has a wonderful attitude, a wonderful outlook, a wonderful smile, and she tells me she wants to be with me.  Sounds perfect except she also tells me she has "Concerns"  Hell I don't blame her I have concerns about myself all the time.  The concerns are about my ex  Jezebel. 

Jezebel has not made my life as The Imperfect Single DAD easy.  She still has her selfish ways effecting me and my life.  I really hope this is not a deal breaker with the Ultimate agent!

So what to do?  I ask for advice from the closest women in my life.  The resounding response is just worry about Angel.  So easy for them to say when they all have a loved one in their lives.  I guess they are ok with me being the Imperfect Single DAD.

I will move forward as I always do.  I take pride in making my next decision the right decision.  I will keep Angel as my Number 1 priority.  I will also take more time to make me happy.  In the end taking the single out of my title will make me happy.

Single Forever?  NOT if I can Help it!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I don't think I have mentioned in the past but I have been an overachiever most of my life.  What I mean about that is that if you met me you wouldn't know all the different awards or accomplishments I have done.  I only say this because I want to explain that I am still looking for my biggest trophy.  It seems so superficial that I would say something like that but that's the only way I can say it.  I already have my biggest prize in Angel but the trophy I want the most is a woman that I can put on a pedestal.  I'm saying this trying not to sound like a male chauvinist.  Not that I want to own my next woman but to have her as something I cherish.  I hope this makes sense.  Trophy might not be the most politically correct way of saying it but so what. 
Trophys typically mean that you have to play some sort of game or be in some sort of competition.  If you look at dating then this can fall into this idea of a game or competition.  I go out with various women just to try and find the best option or try and win over a girl I want to continue to see.  I am naturally competitive so I find dating a sport.  I wish dating wasn't so complicated.  All I want is the best for me therefore the best for my Angel.  I get confused though with the thought of finding someone who is trophy worthy and someone who is best for the foreseeable future. 

With all this being said The Ultimate Agent is sooo worthy it scares me. 

Fear the Beard?

So many guys seem to grow a beard during hunting season or during winter months.  I used to think this was so pointless.  I've always been mostly clean cut, but this year has been a totally different year for me.  I think everyday my life is changing for the better.  My daughter is going to school and I am working from home.  My life has never been so free.  I have less constraints on my life as a whole.  So why not try a little scruff.  I thought to myself how will my Angel look at me with this scruff on my face.  I went on a business trip and didn't take any razors on purpose.  I came back to my Angel and asked what do you think honey?  Remarkable she loves it and you know what I do too.  Who knew this would be something I would want to keep.  I've always looked at guys with facial hair as being lazy but now I know the power of facial hair.  I never feared the beard just didn't realized that it would be good for me. 

Not to mention the ladies love it!!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Naughty New Years Neighbor

I've written about "Staying in Control" in a previous post.  Maybe I should revisit this concept of being in control. I have said that I am a free spirit with conflicting boundries.  I may have crossed another.

So I had Angel for New Years Eve.  I didn't have any plans per say except to spend time with Angel and maybe some family.  I was approached by my Sister Aunt Miley.  She said if you aren't going out then we need to have a part at your house.  I have been against this for awhile because my younger brother Uncle Lobo had thrown many parties at my house when I was away for work.  These parties would get out of hand so much that my Neighbor had called the cops on more than one occasion.  OK so bad Uncle Lobo and yes shame on me because I was the one who started this when I first got divorced.  I threw a party and ever since then Uncle Lobo has thought that this was OK to do.  So I try and "Stay in Control" and have declined to have those kind of parties since the neighbor has called the cops. 

Here I go to Justify throwing a party.  This case was different it was on New Years and we would have mostly family and a few friends.  The age of the kids ranged from 2 to 12 years old.  The friends would be limited to people we've know for awhile.  All family was welcomed to stay and friends would leave at a reasonable time.  Also whatever family stayed over night would help clean.

The reality is that when you have family that likes to have a good time and friends who like to have an even better time things can get out of control.  I had kids running around grown people playing party games and all I could think about was my neighbor.  Things got worse when I busted out the small fireworks.  In my city it is illegal to have even the smaller ones but I thought hey its only ones that stay on the ground.  That didn't last long.  Once we finished the small fireworks one of my friends decided to go buy more.  Little did I know that he went to buy an arsenal of fireworks that could lite up my entire neighborhood!!!!  When he shot of the first one I thought someone is firing a gun in the front yard.  I ran out the front door to see all the kids smiling from ear to ear. 

I thought oh well maybe the neighbors didn't hear that but after the second one I knew I was the bad neighbor on the block.  At this point I didn't care I think I have established that role anyways.  We didn't do any more fireworks because even my crazy friend knew that the cops might be called for this stunt we were doing. 

After all said in done no one got in trouble and no one was hurt.  I did have to wake up early so that I could clean up the mess in front of my house.  So Officially I think I am the Naughty Neighbor!

Santa Sweating

So the holiday season has come and gone.  For the most part I enjoyed this Christmas and my New Years get together with some friends and family which was a bit rowdy.  :)

The days leading up to Christmas Santa (myself) was "Sweating" what he was giving Angel.  I mentioned in an earlier post about how I was determining what Santa was bringing, but as Christmas got closer Santa started second guessing what he was bringing.  Santa got all the normal stuff like arts and crafts, dolls, and various toys.   Santa contemplated on getting Angel another I pod Touch.  She received one for her birthday in July and had broken it within a month.  This was my fault because I had let her connect the charger that was eventually smashed by her gentle touch.  lol  Of course I thought she deserved another one.  I could of easily traded the old one for a new one at the cost of $100.  I kept saying go get it, then my conscious said why she is only going to break it again.  The days got closer to Christmas and I was still fighting myself to get the I pod, who is the best babysitter I've ever had.  AS the day neared closer Santa Sweated the I pod. 

Inevitably Christmas was upon Angel.  Christmas eve Angel and I talked about what was going to happen that night and Christmas morning.  I asked her if she was on the naughty list or the nice list.  She really had to think about it like if she knew she had done some bad things this year.  Finally she said "I am on the nice list"  I told her then he will come tonight when you fall asleep.  She told me "I'm not sleeping Daddy I want to see Santa"  I thought man I hope Santa's presents meet and exceed her expectations.  Angel said Daddy we need to leave Santa some cookies because he gets hungry.  I thought man she really wants to be on Santa's good side, but what if she's disappointed by his presents then she might never want Santa to come again.  She woke up and said Santa came Daddy!  He even left some crumbs on the plate.  hehe  She then proceeded to the presents.  She opened one by one with her excitement growing with each time she ripped one open.  Finally she said "Santa really must think I did good Daddy"  I was so happy because even though there was no I Pod she felt gratitude for her presents.

 All that Sweating was unnecessary for Santa! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Pinching Pennies

I just want to say that I am not a penny pincher.  As a matter of fact I envy people who can keep their money in their pockets.  I am from the school of my father.  His philosophy is to spend like no tomorrow, that's for a later post.  Anyways I have a new job and a new lease on life.  My previous job I actually worked for my inlaws.  That's for another post as well.  Now I am working from home and making the most money I have every made.  I am really seeing the fruits of all my hard work from the past 7 years. 

So why the post pinching pennies? 

This is about me asking what's owed to my daughter.  I can tell you that daycare is not cheap.  Karate is not cheap.  Paying for a house, bills, and food is not cheap.  Most of us know this.  I just cant understand the people that don't.  When I got my divorce I wanted a quick clean cut.  I got some resistance from my ex.  The main thing she didn't want was to pay child support.  Her excuses was you're making so much more than me!  I am going to school!  Ok Ok  But she was only looking to help herself.  Being the pushover I put in the divorce decree that she was to start paying child support 6 months after she finishes her school.  This was enough time for her to get a job and get on her feet.  My lawyer was telling me that I was being to generous.  I also agreed that she was only to pay $200 per month!  This doesn't even pay for 2 weeks of daycare!!! 

So here I am 7 months after she was to start paying and still no child support.  PINCHING PENNIES?  I don't think she is!  I contemplate should I make a big deal out of it.  Well MY DAUGHTER IS A BIG DEAL.  I just don't know how to push Jezebel without having some push back.  I don't want Angel to see us arguing.  After all I want the best for Angel but I don't want her emotionally scarred from seeing me squeeze her mom for $200 a month.  It really isn't about the  money but the unwillingness of her mom to meet her obligations.  I know I can approach Jezebel without Angel being around but I also know once Jezebel gets squeezed for the money she will be in a foul mood for a long time.  Lets just say at least for the next 13 years.